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Newsies (1992)

PG Drama, Family, Historical

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Newsies is the true story of a courageous group of newsboys who become unlikely heroes when they team up to fight an unscrupulous newspaper tycoon. Determined to make their dreams come true, they find the courage to challenge the powerful from coast to coast.

  • Directed by
    Kenny Ortega
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Christian Bale
    David Moscow
    Luke Edwards
    Ann Margret
    Max Casella
    Marty Belafsky
    Ele Keats
    Robert Duvall
    Arvie Jr. Lowe
    Aaron Lohr
    Bill Pullman
    David James Alexander
    Michael Lerner
    Kevin Tighe
    Charles Cioffi
    William Boyett
    Damon Butler
    Scott Caudill
    Gabriel Damon
    Jeffrey De Munn
    Shay Duffin
    Deborra Lee Furness
    Michael A. Goorjian
    Shon Greenblatt
    Jo Ann Harris
    I.M. Hobson
    Michael Irvin
    Mark Lowenthal
    Ryan Mac Donald
    Jim Raposa
    Sylvia Short
    Michael Warwick
    Jason Yribar
    Marc Lawrence
    Frank Novak
    Trey Parker
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