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NFL History of the New York Jets (2007)


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The New York Jets have always been underdogs. A team that began as the lowly New York Titans of the American Football league evolved into a unit that captured the greatest upset in professional sports history. In NFL HISTORY OF THE NEW YORK JETS, NFL Films recounts the New York Jets history through the 2006 season. Of course it would not be a Jet's retrospective without going into one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time with 'Broadway Joe' Namath and his shocking upset against the Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III. The film also goes deep into the archives of NFL Films to find incredible footage and interviews of other great Jets legends including Weeb Ewbank, Joe Klecko, Larry Grantham, and many more. The Jets may always be underdogs, but they have been able to capture a city's heart for over forty five years.

  • Directed by
    Adam Ryan
    Ryan Didinger
    Jeremy Saidel
    Dave Petrelius
  • Starring
    Jim Birdsall
    Todd Schmidt
    Steve Sabol
    Nfl Films
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