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Ninotchka (1939)

NR Classics, Comedy, Romance

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Greta Garbo bursts into a rare bit of onscreen laughter during her portrayal of a cold-hearted Soviet agent who is warmed up by a trip to Paris and a night of love.

  • Directed by
    Ernst Lubitsch
  • Written by , , ,
  • Starring
    Greta Garbo
    Melvyn Douglas
    Bela Lugosi
    Sig Rumann
    Felix Bressart
    Ina Claire
    Alexander Granach
    Gregory Gaye
    Rolfe Sedan
    Richard Carle
    Dorothy Adams
    Bess Flowers
    Mary Forbes
    Lawrence Grant
    William J. Irving
    Charles Judels
    Armand Kaliz
    Edwin Maxwell
    Peggy Moran
    Frank Reicher
    Harry Semels
    Tamara Shayne
    Florence Shirley
    Kay Stewart
    George Tobias
    Marek Windheim
    Alexander Schoenberg
    Symona Boniface
    George Davis
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