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Obscene (2007)

NR Documentaries, Documentary, Historical

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Barney Rosset is the greatest American publisher of the twentieth century and the most influential cultural figure that you haven't heard of. Under Rosset, Grove Press and Evergreen Review fought decisive battles, including many before the state and federal supreme courts, defeated legal censorship, and opened American life to new and dangerous currents of freedom. But Rosset's public fight against hypocrisy and injustice is inextricable from his tumultuous personal life.

  • Directed by
    Dan Eckman
    Daniel O'connor
  • Starring
    Barney Rosset
    Amiri Baraka
    Jim Carroll
    Lawrence Ferlinghetti
    Al Goldstein
    Ray Manzarek
    John Sayles
    Gore Vidal
    John Waters
    Aubrey Plaza
    Donald Glover
    Dc Pierson
    Dominic Dierkes
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