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Oldboy (Subtitled Version) (2005)

R Foreign, Suspense

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Oh Dae-su is an ordinary Seoul businessman with a wife and little daughter who, after a drunken night on the town, is locked up in a strange, private prison for 15 years. No one will tell him why hes there and who his jailer is, but he is kept in reasonably comfortable quarters and has a TV to keep him company. Watching TV though, he discovers he has been framed for his wifes murder and realizes that, during one of the occasions in which hes knocked out by gas, someone has drawn blood from him and left it at the scene of the crime. The imprisonment last for 15 years until one day when Dae-su finds himself unexpectedly deposited on a grass-covered high-rise roof. Hes determined to discover the mysterious enemy who had him locked up. While hes eating in a Japanese restaurant, his cell phone rings and a voice dares him to figure out why he was imprisoned.

  • Directed by
    Park Chan Wook
  • Starring
    Choi Min Sik
    Gang Hye Jeong
    Yu Ji Tae
    Yoo Ji Tae
    Dae Han Ji
    Dal Su Oh
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