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Only Lovers Left Alive (2014)

R Drama, Romance

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The tale of two fragile and sensitive vampires, Adam and Eve, who have been lovers for centuries. Both are cultured intellectuals who have evolved to a level where they no longer kill for sustenance. Their love story has endured several centuries but their debauched idyll is threatened by the uninvited arrival of Eve's carefree little sister Ava. Driven by sensual photography, trance-like music, and droll humor, ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE is a meditation on art, science, and everlasting love.

  • Directed by
    Jim Jarmusch
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Tom Hiddleston
    John Hurt
    Tilda Swinton
    Mia Wasikowska
    Jeffrey Wright
    Anton Yelchin
    Slimane Dazi
    Wayne Brinston
    Carter Logan
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