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Other People's Money (1991)

R Comedy

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A Wall Street corporate raider attempts to acquire an 81-year-old New England wire & cable company but finds himself embroiled in the fight of his life against the company CEO, his assistant and an attractive N.Y. attorney.

  • Directed by
    Norman Jewison
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Danny De Vito
    Gregory Peck
    Penelope Ann Miller
    Piper Laurie
    Dean Jones
    Tom Aldredge
    R.D. Call
    Mo Gaffney
    Bette Henritze
    Leila Kenzle
    Peter Brocco
    Al Cerullo
    William De Acutis
    Jeffrey Hayenga
    Ken Kensei
    Michael Laskin
    Kathy Najimy
    Philip Perlman
    David Wells
    Steve White
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