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Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (1985)

PG Action & Adventure, Adventure, Comedy

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This surprise hit showcases nerdy superstar Pee-wee Herman in a mad-cap comedy-adventure about a unique "rebel" who takes to the road to track down the kidnappers of his beloved bicycle.

  • Directed by
    Tim Burton
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Paul Reubens
    Elizabeth Daily
    Mark Holton
    Diane Salinger
    Judd Omen
    Irving Hellman
    Monte Landis
    Damon Martin
    David C. Glasser
    Gregory Brown
    Mark Everett
    Bill Cable
    Peter Looney
    Starletta Du Pois
    Professor Toru Tanaka
    Ed Herlihy
    Ralph Seymour
    Lou Cutell
    Erica Yohn
    Bill Richmond
    Ed Griffith
    Simmy Bow
    Jon Harris
    Carmen Filpi
    Jan Hooks
    Chester Grimes
    Luis Contreras
    Cassandra Peterson
    Jason Hervey
    Bob Mc Clurg
    John Paragon
    Susan Barnes
    Lynne Marie Stewart
    Richard Brose
    John Gilgreen
    Phil Hartman
    Patrick Cranshaw
    Sunshine Parker
    James Brolin
    Morgan Fairchild
    Tony Bill
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