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Phil Spector (2013)

TVMA Crime, Documentary, Drama

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The client-attorney relationship between legendary music producer Phil Spector and defense attorney Linda Kenney Baden -- who represented Spector during his first murder trial -- is explored in this compelling HBO Films drama written and directed by David Mamet. Al Pacino and Helen Mirren star in this work of fiction that recounts Spector's first trial in the gunshot death of actress Lana Clarkson in his home. Was it a clear case of murder as prosecutors charged?

  • Directed by
    David Mamet
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Al Pacino
    Helen Mirren
    Jeffrey Tambor
    Chiwetel Ejiofor
    Rebecca Pidgeon
    John Pirruccello
    James Tolkan
    David Aaron Baker
    Matt Malloy
    Jack Wallace
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