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Pink Ribbons, Inc. (2012)

NR Canadian Documentaries, Canadian Movies, Documentaries

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In showing the real story of breast cancer, this film explores who really benefits from the pink ribbon campaigns: the cause or the company.

  • Directed by
    Léa Pool
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Janet Collins
    Barbara Brenner
    Ravida Din
    Dr. Susan Love
    Dr. Olufunmilayo Olopade
    Dr. Samantha King
    Ph D
    Dr. Marc Hurlbert
    Ph D
    Kim Mc Inerney
    Judy Brady
    Dr. James Brophy
    Ph D
    Dr. Charlene Elliott
    Ph D
    Charlotte Haley
    Jane Houlihan
    Dr. Mhel Kavanaugh Lynch
    Dr. Margaret Keith
    Ph D
    Nancy Guerin
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