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Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959)

NR Action & Adventure, Classics, Horror

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"Can your heart stand the shocking facts about Graverobbers from Outer Space?" That's the question on the lips of the narrator of this tale about flying saucers, zombies and cardboard tombstones. A pair of aliens, angered by the "stupid minds" of planet Earth, set up shop in a California cemetery. Their plan: to animate an army of the dead to march on the capitals of the world. An intrepid airline pilot living near the cemetery must rescue his wife from this low-budget terror.

  • Directed by
    Ed Wood
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Gregory Walcott
    Mona Mc Kinnon
    Duke Moore
    Tom Keene
    Carl Anthony
    Tor Johnson
    Bela Lugosi
    John Breckinridge
    Lyle Talbot
    Ben Frommer
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