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Point Blank (1967)

NR Action & Adventure, Classics, Crime

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An old-fashioned loner of a gunman (Lee Marvin) is embroiled with a large-scale, corporate criminal operation behind a respectable-looking 'front'.

  • Directed by
    John Boorman
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Lee Marvin
    Angie Dickinson
    Keenan Wynn
    Carroll O'connor
    John Vernon
    Sharon Acker
    Michael Strong
    Lloyd Bochner
    James B. Sikking
    Sandra Warner
    Roberta Haynes
    Kathleen Freeman
    Sid Haig
    Michael Patrick Bell
    Rico Cattani
    Chuck Hicks
    Karen Lee
    Joseph Mell
    Felix Silla
    Ted White
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