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Punk in London (1977)

PG Arts and Culture

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Be right there in the underground clubs of London's Punk scene as the revolution hits full throttle. This film, re-mastered from the original negative, captures the essence of the punk movement through exclusive performances and interviews.

  • Directed by
    Wolfgang Büld
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Jack Airport
    Arturo Bassick
    Rick Buckler
    Robert Collins
    Miles A. Copeland Iii
    Andrew Czezowski
    Henry Daze
    Paul Dean
    Jim Doak
    Lorry Driver
    The Electric Chairs
    Manic Esso
    Carey Fortune
    Bruce Foxton
    Bob Geldof
    Vic Godard
    B.P. Harding
    Topper Headon
    The Jam
    Mick Jones
    Paul Myers
    Gene October
    Paul Packham
    Howard Pickup
    Kevin Rowland
    Iain Shedden
    Paul Simonon
    T.V. Smith
    James Stevenson
    The Stranglers
    Peter Stride
    Joe Strummer
    Rob Symmons
    Howard Wall
    Paul Weller
    X Ray Spex
    Gaye Advert
    Jayne County
    Lora Logic
    Poly Styrene
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