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Scarface (1932)

PG Action & Adventure, Classics, Crime

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The story of organized crime's brutal control over Chicago during the Prohibition era. Academy Award winner Paul Muni gives an electrifying performance as Tony Camonte, an ambitious criminal with a ruthless drive to be the city's top crime boss.

  • Directed by
    Howard Hawks
  • Written by , , , , , , , , ,
  • Starring
    Paul Muni
    Ann Dvorak
    Karen Morley
    Osgood Perkins
    C. Henry Gordon
    George Raft
    Vince Barnett
    Boris Karloff
    Purnell B. Pratt
    Tully Marshall
    Edwin Maxwell
    Paul Fix
    Hank Mann
    Dennis O'keefe
    Henry Armetta
    Maurice Black
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