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Scenes from a Mall (1991)

R Comedy, Romance

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SCENES FROM A MALL teams up comedy's ultimate mix of combustible fun - Bette Midler and Woody Allen! She's a best-selling pop psychologist; he's a high-powered sports lawyer. During a shopping spree in an upscale mall, this Beverly Hills duo's seemingly happy marriage takes an outlandish turn for the worse when they try to work out some of their marital differences - and it ends up costing them lots more than they bargained for. You'll cash in on a great deal of fun when you check out this hilarious adventure about marriage, infidelity, and bargain shopping!

  • Directed by
    Paul Mazursky
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Bette Midler
    Woody Allen
    William Irwin
    Daren Firestone
    Rebecca Nickels
    Glen Alterman
    Jose Rafael Arango
    Tichina Arnold
    Laura Baler
    Ron Barry Barry
    Amanda Bruce
    Augustin Bustamante
    Bobby Caravella
    Joan Delaney
    David Frye
    Penny Gaston
    Michael Greene
    Anne Lockhart
    Andre Philippe
    Michael Brown
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