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Seconds (1966)

Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Thriller

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Desperate to escape his dreary, dead-end life, aging banker Arthur Hamilton (John Randolph) succumbs to a mysterious organization's offer of a new identity and a fresh start. Surgically transformed into the handsome, young Tony Wilson (Hudson), he begins a jet-set existence among a shadowy community of similar "Reborns." But Tony's heady exhilaration spirals into heart-stopping terror as he discovers that his newly purchased life carries a terrifying price.

  • Directed by
    John Frankenheimer
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Jerry Goldsmith
    Will Geer
    Richard Anderson
    Jeff Corey
    John Randolph
    Rock Hudson
    Lewis John Carlino
    Murray Hamilton
    Salome Jens
    Karl Swenson
    Edgar Stehli
    Thom Conroy
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