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Shadow of a Doubt (1943)

NR Classics, Crime, Suspense

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Joseph Cotton star as Uncle Charlie, a calculating and charming killer who hides out in his relatives' small hometown. There, he befriends his favorite niece and namesake, Young Charlie (Teresa Wright). But she begins to suspect he may be the famed Merry Widow murderer. A deadly game of cat and mouse ensues as the psychopathic killer plots the death of his young niece to protect his secret.

  • Directed by
    Alfred Hitchcock
  • Written by , , ,
  • Starring
    Joseph Cotten
    Teresa Wright
    Mac Donald Carey
    Henry Travers
    Patricia Collinge
    Hume Cronyn
    Wallace Ford
    Edna May Wonacott
    Charles Bates
    Irving Bacon
    Janet Shaw
    Clarence Muse
    Virginia Brissac
    Vaughan Glaser
    Ruth Lee
    Eily Malyon
    Shirley Mills
    Constance Purdy
    Isabel Randolph
    Grandon Rhodes
    Minerva Urecal
    Sarah Edwards
    John Mc Guire
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