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Sideways (2004)

R Comedies, Comedy, Drama

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Miles, a struggling writer, and his best friend Jack, a has-been actor, go for a weekend in California wine country. Miles wants to golf and drink wine, while Jack, soon to be married, is on the prowl for one last hurrah before his nuptials.

  • Directed by
    Alexander Payne
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Paul Giamatti
    Thomas Haden Church
    Virginia Madsen
    Sandra Oh
    Marylouise Burke
    Jessica Hecht
    Missy Doty
    M.C. Gainey
    Robert Covarrubias
    Stephanie Faracy
    Duke Moosekian
    Peter Dennis
    Phil Reeves
    Alysia Reiner
    Joe Marinelli
    Patrick Gallagher
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