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Silver Tongues (2011)

NR Crime, Drama

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SILVER TONGUES presents to you - two of the most remarkably twisted and evil characters you will ever have seen in cinema. Two lovers (Lee Tergesen and Enid Graham) travel from town to town, inventing new personalities to play wild and sophisticated games on the people they meet. They cruelly ruin the lives of strangers, leaving a path of psychological destruction in their wake, like emotional serial killers. In each town the couple raise the stakes, until the game spirals out of control and they turn on each other - desperately trying to escape their victims, the police, and death. A deliciously dark and thrilling film with incredible performances, you will never forget Simon Arthur's SILVER TONGUES.

  • Directed by
    Simon Arthur
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Lee Tergesen
    Enid Graham
    Tate Ellington
    Emily Meade
    Harvey Evans
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