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Sita Sings the Blues (2008)

NOT RATED Animation and Cartoons

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Two women having troubles with their men, separated by several centuries, find their stories coming together in this animated comedy-drama from artist and animator Nina Paley, using the vintage recordings of jazz singer Annette Hanshaw for Sita's voice.

  • Directed by
    Nina Paley
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Manish Acharya
    Aseem Chhabra
    Sanjiv Jhaveri
    Debargo Sanyal
    Aladdin Ullah
    Deepti Gupta
    Annette Hanshaw
    Pooja Kumar
    Bhavana Nagulapally
    Nina Paley
    Reena Shah
    Nitya Vidyasagar
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