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Soylent Green (1973)

PG Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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This is the year 2022. Overcrowding, pollution, and resource depletion have reduced society's leaders to finding food for the teeming masses. The answer is Soylent Green - an artificial nourishment whose actual ingredients are not known by the public. Thorn is the tough homicide detective who stumbles onto the secret so terrifying no one would dare believe him.

  • Directed by
    Richard O. Fleischer
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Charlton Heston
    Edward G. Robinson
    Leigh Taylor Young
    Chuck Connors
    Joseph Cotten
    Brock Peters
    John Barclay
    Whit Bissell
    Jan Bradley
    Cyril Delevanti
    John Dennis
    Jane Dulo
    Morgan Farley
    Tim Herbert
    Cheri Howell
    Roy Jenson
    Lincoln Kilpatrick
    Celia Lovsky
    Belle Mitchell
    Leonard Stone
    Dick Van Patten
    Joyce Williams
    Forrest Wood
    Stephen Young
    Carlos Romero
    Erica Hagen
    Beverly Gill
    Paula Kelly
    Mike Henry
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