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Steel Magnolias (2012)

NR Drama

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In this contemporary re-imagining of the beloved classic film, Steel Magnolias chronicles the extraordinary friendship of six remarkable Southern Women, there for each other through life's triumphs and tragedies. Funny, wise and richly human, this immensely moving film features a brilliant all-star cast, including Queen Latifah, Phylicia Rashad, Adepero Oduyem, Condola Rashad, Jill Scott and Alfre Woodard.

  • Directed by
    Kenny Leon
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Queen Latifah
    Lance Gross
    Alfre Woodard
    Phylicia Rashad
    Jill Scott
    Condola Rashad
    Tory Kittles
    Anna Colwell
    Afemo Omilami
    Adepero Oduye
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