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Step Brothers (2008)

R Comedy

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Brennan Huff, a sporadically employed thirty-nine-year-old who lives with his mother, Nancy. Dale Doback, a terminally unemployed forty-year-old who lives with his father, Robert. When Robert and Nancy marry and move in together, Brennan and Dale are forced to live with each other as step brothers. As their narcissism and downright aggressive laziness threaten to tear the family apart, these two middle-aged, immature, overgrown boys will orchestrate an insane, elaborate plan to bring their parents back together. To pull it off, they must form an unlikely bond that maybe, just maybe, will finally get them out of the house.

  • Directed by
    Adam Mc Kay
  • Written by , , , ,
  • Starring
    Don Abernathy
    Jeffrey Ashkin
    Pete Brown
    Troy Butcher
    Jeremy Clark
    John D. Crawford
    Jason Davis
    Wayne Federman
    Kyle Felts
    Will Ferrell
    Travis T. Flory
    Tommy Gerrits
    Larry Goldstein
    Chris Henchy
    Bryce Hurless
    Brian Huskey
    Richard Jenkins
    Ken Jeong
    Christopher Karl Johnson
    Phil La Marr
    Logan Manus
    Adam Mc Kay
    Seth Morris
    Lurie Poston
    Alex Pulido
    John C. Reilly
    Rob Riggle
    Jarrod Robbins
    Ian Roberts
    Seth Rogen
    Horatio Sanz
    Dmitri Schuyler Linch
    Adam Scott
    Steve Silverie
    Micah Sudduth
    Jake Szymanski
    Matt Walsh
    Brent White
    Erin Affourtit
    Krystal Ellsworth
    Charlie Gelbart
    Kathryn Hahn
    Mary Catherine Hamelin
    Carol Ilku
    Amanda Lee Jacoby
    Paula Killen
    Breaunna Lake
    Michelle Lenhardt
    Tara Macken
    Lili Rose Mc Kay
    Kate Ociepka
    Erica Vittina Phillips
    Shira Piven
    Debbie Prokop
    Maria Quiban
    Andrea Savage
    Danielle Schneider
    Erinn Selkis
    Laimarie Serrano
    Mary Steenburgen
    Gillian Vigman
    Elizabeth Yozamp
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