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Step Into Liquid (2003)

PG Documentary, Other, Sports

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Zigzagging from the waters off Ireland to Oahu's ripping North Shore, this documentary profiles the diverse and fascinating characters who have devoted their lives to catching the perfect wave.

  • Directed by
    Dana Brown
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Jim Knost
    Alex Knost
    Dan Malloy
    Chris Malloy
    Keith Malloy
    Laird Hamilton
    Rob Machado
    Kelly Slater
    Dale Webster
    Rochelle Ballard
    Keala Kennelly
    Ken Collins
    Layne Beachley
    Taj Burrow
    Darrick Doerner
    Shawn "Barney" Barron
    Brad Gerlach
    Peter Mel
    Mike Parsons
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