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Stop Making Sense (1984)

NR Concert Films, Documentary, Music Documentaries

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Stop Making Sense is Jonathan Demme's remarkable concert film that captures the enormous energy of the Talking Heads live performance. Band members David Byrne, Tina Weymouth, Chris Frantz and Jerry Harrison are joined by Bernie Worrell, Alex Weir, Steve Scales, Lynn Mabry and Edna Holt in this concert film that is packed with the Talking Heads most memorable songs. Wall-to-wall music, beautiful cinematography and the legendary "Big Suit" make this "one of the greatest rock movies ever made".

  • Directed by
    Jonathan Demme
  • Written by
  • Starring
    David Byrne
    Chris Frantz
    Jerry Harrison
    Tina Weymouth
    Talking Heads
    Alex Weir
    Bernie Worrell
    Steve Scales
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