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Stranded (2008)

NR Action & Adventure, Documentary, Foreign

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It is one of the most astonishing and inspiring survival tales of all time. On October 13, 1972, a young rugby team from Montevideo, Uruguay, boarded a plane for a match in Chile - and then vanished into thin air. Two days before Christmas, 16 of the 45 passengers miraculously resurfaced. They had managed to survive for 72 days after their plane crashed on a remote Andean glacier. Thirty-five years later, the survivors returned to the crash site - known as the Valley of Tears - to recount their harrowing story of defiant endurance and indestructible friendship. Previously documented in the 1973 worldwide bestseller Alive (and the 1993 Ethan Hawke movie of the same name), this shocking true story finally gets the cinematic treatment it deserves. Visually breathtaking and crafted with riveting detail by documentary filmmaker (and childhood friend of the survivors) Gonzalo Arijon with a masterful combination of on-location interviews, archival footage and reenactments, STRANDED is by turns hauntingly powerful and spiritually moving.

  • Directed by
    Gonzalo Arijon
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Roberto Francois
    Roy Harley
    Nando Parrado
    Antonio Vizintin
    Jose Pedro Algorta
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