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Sullivan's Travels (1941)

NR Action & Adventure, Classics, Comedy

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Filmmaker John Sullivan, fed up with making comedies, is consumed with the desire to make a social statement in his next film. Unable to do so in the atmosphere of Hollywood, Sullivan hits the road to touch base with the real people of America.

  • Directed by
    Preston Sturges
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Joel D. Mc Crea
    Veronica Lake
    William Demarest
    Franklin Pangborn
    Porter Hall
    Robert Warwick
    Eric Blore
    Robert Greig
    Byron K. Foulger
    Maggie Hayes
    Torben Meyer
    Richard Webb
    Roscoe Ates
    Billy Bletcher
    Monte Blue
    Al Bridge
    Chester Conklin
    Jimmy Conlin
    Edgar Dearing
    Jimmie Dundee
    Harry Hayden
    Esther Howard
    Arthur Hoyt
    Elsa Lanchester
    John Farrell Mac Donald
    Paul "Tiny" Newlan
    Emory Parnell
    Victor Potel
    Georges Renavent
    Willard Robertson
    Dewey Robinson
    Almira Sessions
    Mme. Sul Te Wan
    Julius Tannen
    Harry Tyler
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