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Swamp Thing (1982)

PG Horror, Sci-Fi & Fantasy

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Alice was sent to stay at Dr Holland's, who was developing a process to make the swamps suitable for cultivation. His wife Linda had just found a substance which helped plants to grow faster. The scientists' joy soon vanished when Arcane burst in, as his only ambition was to steal the scientist's invention. His associates killed Linda, whereas Holland fell into the swamp and Alice ran away. But then a strange and almighty green creature emerged from the swamp to give her assistance ...

  • Directed by
    Wes Craven
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Ray Wise
    Dick Durock
    Adrienne Barbeau
    Louis Jourdan
    David Hess
    Nicholas Worth
    Don Knight
    Al Ruban
    Ben Bates
    Nannette Brown
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