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Tales from the Script (2009)

Comedy, Documentary, Independent

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Screenwriters ranging from newcomers to living legends share their triumphs and hardships in this probing, insightful, and often hilarious odyssey through the world of movie storyingtelling. Candid and unafraid to name names, dozens of participants reveal the fascinating creative adventures that gave birth to notorious flops and beloved classics. The storytellers include Shane Black ("Lethal Weapon"), John Carpenter ("Halloween"), Frank Darabont ("The Shawshank Redemption"), William Goldman ("The Princess Bride" and "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid"), and Paul Schrader ("Taxi Driver").

  • Directed by
    Peter Hanson
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Antwone Fisher
    William Goldman
    Paul Schrader
    John Carpenter
    Frank Darabont
    Jane Anderson
    Shane Black
    Guinevere Turner
    Allison Anders
    Naomi Foner
    T.J. Raider
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