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The 400 Blows (1959)

Classics, Drama, Foreign

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François Truffaut’s first feature, The 400 Blows (Les quatre cents coups), is also his most personal. Told through the eyes of Truffaut’s life-long cinematic counterpart, Antoine Doinel (Jean-Pierre Léaud), The 400 Blowssensitively re-creates the trials of Truffaut’s own difficult childhood, unsentimentally portraying aloof parents, oppressive teachers, petty crime, and a friendship that would last a lifetime. The film marks Truffaut’s passage from leading critic of the French New Wave to his emergence as one of Europe’s most brilliant auteurs.

  • Directed by
    Francois Truffaut
  • Starring
    Guy Decomble
    Claire Maurier
    Jean Pierre Léaud
    Monsieur Doinel
    Patrick Auffay
    Georges Charlot
    Marcel Moussy
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