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The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971)

PG13 Horror

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In this camp horror film, a man who was disfigured in a car wreck seeks revenge on those he believes are responsible for the death of his wife...the surgical team that operated on her. Each slaying is patterned after the plagues brought down on Ramses in ancient Egypt-- from killer locusts to blood-sucking bats.

  • Directed by
    Robert Fuest
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Vincent Price
    Joseph Cotten
    Hugh Griffith
    Terry Thomas
    Virginia North
    Sean Bury
    Susan Travers
    David Hutcheson
    Edward Burnham
    Alex Scott
    Peter Gilmore
    Maurice Kaufmann
    Peter Jeffrey
    Derek Godfrey
    Norman Jones
    John Cater
    Charles Farrell
    Thomas Heathcote
    Ian Marter
    Caroline Munro
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