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The Blob (1958)

Action & Adventure, Classics, Horror

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A cult classic of gooey greatness, The Blob follows the havoc wreaked on a small town by an outer-space monster with neither soul nor vertebrae, with Steve McQueen playing the rebel teen who tries to warn the residents about the jellylike invader. Strong performances and ingenious special effects help The Blob transcend the schlock sci-fi and youth delinquency genres from which it originates. Made outside of Hollywood by a maverick film distributor and a crew whose credits mostly comprised religious and educational shorts, The Blob helped launch the careers of McQueen and composer Burt Bacharach, whose bouncy title song is just one of this film’s many unexpected pleasures.

  • Directed by
    Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr.
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Keith Almoney
    Vincent Barbi
    John Benson
    James Bonnet
    Stephen Chase
    Russ Conway
    Jasper Deeter
    Robert Fields
    Howard Fishlove
    Anthony Franke
    George Gerbereck
    Hugh Graham
    Jack H. Harris
    Olin Howland
    George Karas
    Steve Mc Queen
    David Metcalf
    Tom Ogden
    Charlie Overdorff
    Josh Randolph
    Ralph Roseman
    Earl Rowe
    Eugene Sabel
    Elbert Smith
    Molly Ann Bourne
    Aneta Corsaut
    Julie Cousins
    Pamela Curran
    Elinor Hammer
    Audrey Metcalf
    Lee Payton
    Diane Tabben
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