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The Court Jester (1956)

Action & Adventure, Comedy, Musicals

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Danny Kaye plays kind-hearted entertainer Hawkins who disguises himself as the legendary king of jesters, Giacomo. Hawkins infiltrates the court of the evil villain Basil Rathbone, but when a sorceress hypnotizes him, royal chaos ensues.

  • Directed by
    Melvin Frank
    Norman Panama
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Sammy Cahn
    Robert Middleton
    Danny Kaye
    Sylvia Fine
    Cecil Parker
    Glynis Johns
    Basil Rathbone
    Mildred Natwick
    Victor Schoen
    Angela Lansbury
    Michael Pate
    Herbert Rudley
    Noel Drayton
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