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The Eyes of Tammy Faye (2000)

PG13 Documentary

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Narrated by RuPaul Charles, this award-winning film chronicles Tammy Faye's personal journey from the genuine love-at-first-sight encounter with Jim Bakker and making of the most successful television ministry, to being crucified in the court of public opinion. Extensive, revealing interviews by those on the inside will both shock and endear. Delve deep into the not-so-Christian scandals and million dollar lies that devastated the empire and destroyed her family. Be enlightened with Tammy Faye's unique personal philosophies that helped her carry on. In spite of it all, Tammy Faye never lost hope in two things- extra thick mascara and Jesus Christ.

  • Directed by
    Fenton Bailey
    Randy Barbato
  • Starring
    Tammy Faye Bakker
    Ru Paul
    Roe Messner
    Jim Bakker
    Jamie Baker
    Tammy Sue Bakker Chapman
    Pat Boone
    Jim J. Bullock
    Steven Chao
    Jerry Falwell
    Pat Robertson
    Roseanne Barr
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