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The Fluffer (2002)

Comedy, Drama, Romance

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Johnny Rebel is a charismatic heterosexual man who makes his living acting in gay porn. His live in girlfriend Babylon is a stripper so she understands the reality of working in the sex industry. Sean McGinnis doesnt. He is a 22-year-old kid who comes to Los Angeles to get into movies and gets sidetracked when he sees a Johnny Rebel video and becomes instantly obsessed. Sean becomes further drawn into the porn scene when he becomes a cameraman for Johnnys company and triggers off a series of events that will change all their lives forever.

  • Directed by
    Richard Glatzer
    Wash West
  • Starring
    Taylor Negron
    Michael Cunio
    Scott Gurney
    Roxanne Day
    Victoria Robinson
    John R. Sylla
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