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The Girl Who Played with Fire (2009)

R Crime Thrillers, Foreign Movies, Foreign Thrillers

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Hacker Lisbeth Salander becomes the prime suspect when two journalists die after magazine publisher Mikael Blomkvist launches an expose of the Swedish sex trade, so the vampiric Salander vanishes as Blomkvist digs deep into a possible conspiracy.

  • Directed by
    Daniel Alfredson
  • Starring
    Noomi Rapace
    Michael Nyqvist
    Lena Endre
    Peter Andersson
    Michalis Koutsogiannakis
    Annika Hallin
    Sofia Ledarp
    Jacob Ericksson
    Reuben Sallmander
    Yasmine Garbi
    Hans Christian Thulin
    Georgi Staykov
    Micke Spreitz
    Tehilla Blad
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