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The Godfather: The Coppola Restoration (1972)

R Drama, Thriller

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Francis Ford Coppola's epic masterpiece features Marlon Brando in his Oscar ®-winning role*as the patriarch of the Corleone family. Director Coppola paints a chilling portrait of the Sicilian clan's rise and near fall from power in America, masterfully balancing the story between the Corleone's family life and the ugly crime business in which they are engaged. Based on Mario Puzo's best-selling novel and featuring career-making performances by Al Pacino, James Caan and Robert Duvall, this searing and brilliant film garnered ten Academy Award® nominations, and won three including Best Picture of 1972.

  • Directed by
    Francis Ford Coppola
  • Starring
    Nino Rota
    Diane Keaton
    Sterling Hayden
    Robert Duvall
    Marlon Brando
    Al Pacino
    James Caan
    John Cazale
    Al Lettieri
    Talia Shire
    Richard Conte
    Albert S. Ruddy
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