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The Invisible Man (1933)

NR Horror, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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A mysterious doctor discovers a serum that makes him invisible. Covered by bandages and dark glasses, he attempts to hide his amazing discovery. But the same drug that renders him invisible slowly drives him to commit acts of unspeakable terror.

  • Directed by
    James Whale
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Claude Rains
    Gloria Stuart
    Henry Travers
    William Harrigan
    Una O'connor
    Forrester Harvey
    Holmes E. Herbert
    E.E. Clive
    Dudley Digges
    Harry Stubbs
    Donald Stuart
    Merle Tottenham
    Walter Brennan
    John Carradine
    Dwight Frye
    John Merivale
    Jameson Thomas
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