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The Jackal (1997)

R Action, Action & Adventure, Drama

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Bruce Willis, Richard Gere and Sidney Poitier star in this international suspense thriller directed by Michael Caton-Jones. A ruthless assassin (Willis) has been hired to eliminate someone at the very top of the U.S. government. Constantly changing his identity and location, he is known only as the Jackal. Everything about this hit man, including his sinister timetable, is a secret. Aware of the Jackal's presence but uncertain of his purpose, the FBI's Deputy Director (Poitier) faces the biggest challenge of his career. In order to track down this coldblooded killer, he and a by-the-book Russian intelligence officer (Diane Venora) enlist the aid of an imprisoned Irish terrorist (Gere). These unlikely allies enter a global race against the clock to stop the mysterious mercenary before he can complete his deadly assignment.

  • Directed by
    Michael Caton Jones
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Bruce Willis
    Richard Gere
    Sidney Poitier
    Diane Venora
    Tess Harper
    J.K. Simmons
    Mathilda May
    Stephen Spinella
    Richard Lineback
    Jack Black
    John Cunningham
    David Hayman
    Steve Bassett
    Leslie Phillips
    Serge Houde
    Terry Loughlin
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