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The Kid Brother (1927)


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One of Harold Lloyd's most beloved films, The Kid Brother features the actor's performance as an effete son trying to earn the respect of his hard-nosed sheriff father and the lovely Mary Powers (Jobyna Ralston).

  • Directed by
    J.A. Howe
    Harold Lloyd
    Lewis Milestone
    Ted Wilde
  • Written by , , , , ,
  • Starring
    Eddie Boland
    Fred Brown
    Olin Francis
    Lem Hardy
    Walter James
    Frank Lanning
    Gus Leonard
    Harold Lloyd
    Jim Mac Intyre
    Arthur Millett
    Frank Mitchell
    Roger Moore
    Frank Nelson
    George Redding
    Constantine Romanoff
    Joe Ryan
    Clyde Snyder
    Peter Toolol
    George Turner
    Leo Willis
    Ralph Yearsley
    Jobyna Ralston
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