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The Lady Eve (1941)

NR Classics, Comedy, Romance

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Preston Sturges wrote and directed this classic starring Barbara Stanwyck as an alluring card sharp who falls unexpectedly in love when a wealthy but naive mark (Henry Fonda) charms his way into her heart.

  • Directed by
    Preston Sturges
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Barbara Stanwyck
    Henry Fonda
    Charles Coburn
    Eugene Pallette
    William Demarest
    Eric Blore
    Janet Beecher
    Robert Greig
    Norman Ainsley
    Luis Alberni
    Sam Ash
    Wilson Benge
    Al Bridge
    Jimmy Conlin
    Melville Cooper
    Kenneth Gibson
    Arthur Stuart Hull
    John Hartley
    Arthur Hoyt
    Bertram Marburgh
    Wanda Mc Kay
    Torben Meyer
    Martha O'driscoll
    Victor Potel
    Reginald Sheffield
    Julius Tannen
    Walter Walker
    Gayne Whitman
    Robert Warwick
    Helen Dickson
    Jack Richardson
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