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The Ladykillers (1955)

NR Comedy, Crime

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THE LADYKILLERS showcases Alec Guinness in one of his most unforgettable performances as Professor Marcus, mastermind of a gang of vicious bank robbers who rent a room from an elderly widow. But when the dear old woman begins to meddle in their "perfect crime," the crooks decide that she might pose the biggest threat of all.

  • Directed by
    Alexander Mac Kendrick
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Alec Guinness
    Cecil Parker
    Herbert Lom
    Peter Sellers
    Katie Johnson
    Danny Green
    Jack Warner
    Frankie Howerd
    Philip Stainton
    Fred Griffiths
    Kenneth Connor
    Stratford Johns
    Sam Kydd
    Edie Martin
    Ewan Roberts
    Robert Moore
    Harold Goodwin
    Lucy Griffiths
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