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The Last of the Mohicans (1992)

Action & Adventure

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A brilliant epic, action-packed romantic adventure and powerful. Be sure to see it! In 1757, war between England and France for the American colonies entered its third year. Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis), adopted son of Mohican Chingachgook through this untamed territory en route to a camp. In an ambush, manages to rescue a group of Englishmen among whom is Cora Munro (Madeleine Stowe). Hawkeye agrees to guide them to safety. Their fate and their lives are so united as they venture into a territory in which they are forced to struggle to survive both the war as the natural elements.

  • Directed by
    Michael Mann
  • Written by , , , , , ,
  • Starring
    Russell Means
    Daniel Day Lewis
    Madeleine Stowe
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