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The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg (1998)

NOT RATED Documentaries, Documentary, Independent

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The story of Baseball Hall-of-Famer Hank Greenberg as told through archival film footage and interviews with Jewish and non-Jewish fans, teammates, friends, and family.

  • Directed by
    Aviva Kempner
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Harold Allen
    Elden Auker
    Del Baker
    George Barahal
    Ira Berkow
    Reeve Brenner
    Tommy Bridges
    Walter O. Briggs Jr.
    Walter O. Briggs Sr.
    Basil 'Mickey' Briggs
    Albert 'Happy' Chandler
    Herman 'Flea' Clifton
    Mickey Cochrane
    Rip Collins
    Father Coughlin
    Dizzy Dean
    Paul 'Daffy' Dean
    Paul Derringer
    Alan M. Dershowitz
    Joe Di Maggio
    Harry Eisenstat
    Joe Falls
    Bob Feller
    Henry Ford
    Harvey Frank
    Frankie Frisch
    Lou Gehrig
    Charlie Gehringer
    Bert Gordon
    Goose Goslin
    Glenn Greenberg
    Hank Greenberg
    Joseph Greenberg
    Stephen Greenberg
    Charlie Grimm
    Gabby Hartnett
    Ernie Harwell
    Billy Herman
    Adolf Hitler
    George Kell
    Ralph Kiner
    Kenesaw M. Landis
    Max Lapides
    Carl Levin
    Sander Levin
    Joe Louis
    Connie Mack
    Walter Matthau
    Barney Mc Cosky
    Bill Mead
    Michael Moriarty
    Hal Newhouser
    Bobo Newsom
    Steve O'neill
    Gregory Peck
    Maury Povich
    Shirley Povich
    Leo Ribuffo
    Paul Richards
    Hoot Robinson
    Jackie Robinson
    Billy Rogell
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Al Rosen
    Barney Ross
    Babe Ruth
    Dick Schaap
    Bill Schuster
    Don Shapiro
    Robert Steinberg
    Birdie Tebbets
    Arn Tellem
    Gene Thompson
    Junior Thompson
    Max Ticktin
    Virgil Trucks
    Bucky Walters
    Hank Wyse
    Rudy York
    Louis Zorich
    Harriet Colman
    Caral Gimbel
    Alva Greenberg
    Marilyn Greenberg
    Jane Briggs Hart
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