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The Man Without a Past (2003)

PG13 Comedy, Drama, Foreign

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When a laborer (Markku Peltola) arrives in Helsinki in search of a job,he gets a brutal surprise beating in a local park by a group of thugs instead. He miraculously survives, but amnesia prevents him from remembering anything, including his name. Soon, a Salvation Armyworker develops a shy interest in him, and a sweet, natural romance begins between the two. But just as the man's life begins to make sense again, his past suddenly returns to haunt him.

  • Directed by
    Aki Kaurismaki
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Markku Peltola
    Kati Outinen
    Juhani Niemela
    Kaija Pakarinen
    Sakari Kuosmanen
    Annikki Tahti
    Anneli Sauli
    Elina Salo
    Outi Maenpaa
    Esko Nikkari
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