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The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

PG13 Suspense

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A U.S. Army platoon, captured by Communists during the Korean War, is whisked to Manchuria for three nightmarish days of experimental drug-and-hypnosis-induced "brainwashing." The aftermath transforms one of the captors into an operational assassin with a mission...

  • Directed by
    John Frankenheimer
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Frank Sinatra
    Laurence Harvey
    Janet Leigh
    Angela Lansbury
    Henry Silva
    James Gregory
    Leslie Parrish
    John Mc Giver
    James Edwards
    Douglas Henderson
    Albert Paulsen
    Barry Kelley
    Lloyd Corrigan
    Madame Spivy
    Mary Benoit
    Whit Bissell
    Nick Blair
    Robert Burton
    Khigh Dhiegh
    Mickey Finn
    Bess Flowers
    Lee Tung Foo
    Harry Holcombe
    Helen Kleeb
    Tom Lowell
    Reggie Nalder
    Karen Norris
    Julie Payne
    Tom Harris
    Merritt Bohn
    Michael Masters
    John Lawrence
    Joe Adams
    Richard Norris
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