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The Mythical Detective Loki (2013)

Anime, Foreign, Japanese Cinema

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Private Investigator Loki, the Norse god of mischief, has been exiled to the human world by the god Odin for reasons that he doesn't understand. Along with being exiled, Loki is forced to take the form of a human child, and the only way he can return to the realm of the gods is by collecting the evil auras which take over human hearts. In order to do this, he starts a detective agency which specializes in the paranormal. While his boyish good looks disguise his true nature, no challenge is too tough for Loki. He digs up evidence surrounding kidnappings, murders, suicide, and the like. Not only is it Loki’s job to solve mysteries, but he must also protect his own interest, namely his family, especially when those who want him rubbed-out enter the picture. When old adversaries strike too close to home, Loki must prepare, not only to solve the crime, but to survive the vicious attacks. If the action’s hot, you can count on Loki being there. Loki is assisted by his loyal companion Yamino and the pair are soon joined by a human girl named Mayura who is manic for mysteries and often unwittingly assists him in catching the auras. As time passes, however, soon other Norse gods begin to appear, and most have the intent to assassinate Loki for reasons unclear.

  • Directed by
    Keiji Korogi
  • Starring
    Bryan Forrest
    Alison Lees Taylor
    Beth Ann Sweezer
    Cales Pearson
    Kyle Rea
    Haruo Kawashima
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