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The Palm Beach Story (1942)

NR Classics, Comedy, Romance

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The captivating Claudette Colbert stars as the frustrated wife of struggling engineer Joel McCrea. In a seemingly amicable agreement, Colbert hops a train to Palm Beach where divorces come easy. Desperate to escape a group of obnoxious millionaires on the train to Florida, Colbert hides out in a sleeping car where she meets, unbeknownst to her, one of the world's richest men (Rudy Vallee) who is relentless in his attempt to romance her. Upon their arrival in Palm Beach, Colbert is met by her husband who has come to claim her back only to find that Vallee's man-crazy sister (Mary Astor) is after him! The foursome's story unfolds through intensely humorous dialogue, flirtatious situations and a splendid soundtrack.

  • Directed by
    Preston Sturges
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Claudette Colbert
    Joel D. Mc Crea
    Mary Astor
    Rudy Vallee
    Sig Arno
    Robert Warwick
    Arthur Stuart Hull
    Torben Meyer
    Franklin Pangborn
    Jimmy Conlin
    Esther Howard
    Victor Potel
    William Demarest
    Jack Norton
    Robert Greig
    Roscoe Ates
    Dewey Robinson
    Wilson Benge
    Monte Blue
    Al Bridge
    Chester Conklin
    Frank Faylen
    Byron K. Foulger
    Harry Hayden
    Arthur Hoyt
    John Farrell Mac Donald
    Edward Mc Namara
    Mantan Moreland
    Julius Tannen
    Fred "Snowflake" Toones
    Harry Tyler
    Max Wagner
    Keith Richards
    John Holland
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