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The Pelican Brief (1994)

PG13 Drama, Independent, Suspense

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(Academy Award-winner Julia Roberts - "Ocean's Eleven," "Erin Brockovich") who finds herself embroiled in a terrifying web of intrigue extending to the highest levels of government after she writes a speculative legal brief exposing the illegal activities of a powerful oil magnate. When those close to her are killed by assassins, the young woman embarks on a desperate flight with a Washington, D.C., investigative reporter (Academy Award and Golden Globe-winner Denzel Washington -- "Training Day," "Malcolm X") her only confidant and ally. Co-starring Academy Award-nominee Sam Shepard ("The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford," "The Right Stuff") and Tony Goldwyn ("The Last Samurai," "Ghost"). With Emmy and Golden Globe-winner John Lithgow ("The World According to Garp," TV's "3rd Rock from the Sun"). Directed by Alan J. Pakula ("Sophie's Choice," "All the President's Men"). "Superb! Fantastic suspense! A major thriller! Fast and exciting" (WNBC-TV). "An exhilarating, breathless, first-class thriller" (CBS-TV). "Perfect casting and stellar work by writer-producer-director Alan Pakula" (Variety).

  • Directed by
    Alan J. Pakula
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Robert Culp
    William Atherton
    Stanley Tucci
    Sam Shepard
    John Lithgow
    Denzel Washington
    Hume Cronyn
    Pieter Jan Brugge
    Julia Roberts
    James Sikking
    Jake Weber
    John Finn
    Christopher Murray
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