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The Pillow Book (1997)

Drama, Romance

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The Pillow Book is a sensual tale of passion, obsession and revenge. Directed by Peter Greenaway and starring Ewan McGregor and Vivian Wu, this is an irresistible arthouse drama about a young woman in search of a lover, who can match her desire for pleasure with her admiration for poetry and calligraphy. After finalising her own erotic diary ('Pillow Book'), which is firmly rejected from the publisher, Nagiko encounters a man who challenges her to write on his naked body, he will then bring her stories back to the publisher. But their plan works all too well.

  • Directed by
    Peter Greenaway
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Kees Kasander
    Ewan Mc Gregor
    Vivian Wu
    Ken Ogata
    Yoshi Oida
    Hideko Yoshida
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